Miuo Laf'ama

Basic Details

Full Name: Miuo Sumtae Laf'ama
Pronounced: Mew
Gender: Female
Body: Slim & Curvy
Scent: Vanilla & Jasmine
Height: 4'5"
Weight: Light
Hair: White
Hair: Mid Back
Hair: Straight
Eyes: Silvery Blue
Eyes: Large & Doe Eyed
Lips: Full
Skin: Silvery Blue White
Hands: Sharp/Filed Nails
Voice: Soft & Hesitant
Age: Young
Race: Moon Elf


17/5/2024: Her finger tips hold the ever-present ink stains of a diligent scholar.26/5/2024: A small onyx-colored viper is often found coiled around Miuo's throat like a choker. Easily mistaken for a piece of jewelry at a passing glance. When it shifts and moves it quickly becomes apparent the piece is a living snake.

Who is she?

Born to unimportant parents, in a small out of the way village. Destined for a mundane unimportant life. When the village was attacked and raised to the ground by faceless bandits, nearly all perished to slaughter or fire. Among the ruins and dead of her village, Miuo was left alone to mourn the death of everything she had known as the ruins smoldered and lay in ashes around her.

Found by a mage drawn by the plumes of smoke. Miuo was found covered in ash and the scent of death. Unable to just leave a child in such ruin, she was taken in by the mage. Never to see the village or people again as she was lead from the ruins of her former life. Years spent in seclusion and with her adoptive human father as he helped give her a new purpose in the study of magic. Something to focus a traumatized mind into something purposeful.

Years passing saw her human adoptive father aging far more rapidly than herself. With time not on the side of her father and mentor. Miuo has been urged to leave her isolated quiet home to further her studies elsewhere. To find new magic to study, new mentors and allies, and a life for herself beyond that of the lone person she has spent decades with.

To find something else to anchor and give her purpose in life as old age and death creep ever closer to the one figure who has comprised her entire world up until now.



A quiet follower of Mystra, Miuo has reverence for the lady of magic and mysteries. But she is by no means a devout servant of her. Rarely does she reveal her fondness for Mystra unless directly asked.





Interior Designer


Wand Crafter

Scroll Scribe

Potion Brewer



Joined The Violet Flame



- Released -

An older-looking black cat that looks as if it has seen better years, and as if it has survived its share of a few tussles. Scraggly, old and with the seeming disposition of an old grumpy man, this cat much prefers to be left to sun itself in the quiet of an empty room.Should he ever be dragged out on a venture, he is usually more a hindrance to travel and what's faced than an ally.

A small black viper of beautiful onyx scales. Sleek and thin enough that when it's wrapped around its master's neck or forearm it's almost mistaken for a piece of jewelry. The familiar seems to be more of a beloved, and babied pet than a mages familiar with a specific job or purpose to aid its owner. Instead, it seems to exist solely for the comfort it brings to its mage.


Personal Items of Note

Sketch Book

A beaten up, fraying at the edges ink stained book. The spine of the book has begun to split and come apart. A bit of twine has been wrapped around it to secure the book closed and for it to remain so. Within its battered cover are a myriad of sketches and inked drawings of various things that have caught the artists eye or interest.

Whenever Miuo chooses or has need to put her hair up. She almost always uses this antique hairpin to pin the messy bun of hair in place. Age and use has given the pin a dark patina. The mossy green and blood-colored stone is one of the few bits of color in her accessories one might find on her.

Antique Bloodstone Hairpin

Gift from
Vincent Valtieri

Character Facets

- Fears -

Fire, Being burned alive

- Loves -

Tomes, Books, Scrolls, Knowledge

- Hates -

Open sources of fire

- Goals -

To become a powerful mage, To make her mentor proud

- Obstacles in front of goals -

Gold, Knowledge, Time, Allies

- What are they willing to do to achieve their goals -

Everything with in legal means, and perhaps a few things outside of legal means

- Hobbies -

Collecting knowledge, sewing, reading, fawning over her familiar

- Childhood -

A traditional simple village childhood.

- Favorite Color -

Pale Purple

- Other Favorites -

Silver Metals, White Pearls, Black Pearls, Amythest, Alexandrite, Lotus Flowers, Lily of the Valley, Lavender, Lilac, Hibiscus Tea, Exotic Wines, Berries

- Strengths -

Mind, Magic, Empathy, Nimbleness, Life span

- Weaknesses -

Fire, Physical strength

- Favorite thing about themself -


- What do they hate about themself -

Inability to overcome fear of fire

- Pet peeves -

Careless magic users, xenophobia, crassness, impatience

- Simple pleasures -

Floating in water, listening to and watching the rain

Tattoo & Markings

- Piercings -

Earlobes x3
Nose Ring (left Nostril)

- Tattoo -

Lotus Flower Star Symbol
(Back of Neck)

Associated Groups

Character Hooks

⌘ Wizard Apprentice
⌘ Scholar
⌘ Artist


Discord: Miuo
Forum: Miuo
Game Account: Princess_Miuo